Provide the value below in W:
A watt (W) is the SI unit of power, representing the rate at which energy is transferred or converted. One watt is equal to one joule per second. It is commonly used to measure electrical power in devices such as light bulbs, appliances, and machinery. The term "watt" is named after James Watt, an 18th-century Scottish engineer whose innovations contributed to the development of the steam engine. The watt was adopted as a standard unit in the late 19th century. You can convert watts to other units of power like milliwatts, kilowatts, or megawatts using simple multiplication or division. For instance, 1 kilowatt (kW) equals 1,000 watts, and 1 watt equals 1,000 milliwatts.
A decibel milliwatt (dBm) is a unit used to express power levels in decibels relative to 1 milliwatt (mW). It is widely used in telecommunications, radio, and networking to measure signal strength or power. The decibel scale allows for a more manageable representation of both very small and very large power values by compressing the wide range of measurements into a smaller scale. In this context, a value of 0 dBm represents 1 milliwatt, and the values increase or decrease logarithmically with respect to power levels.