Provide the value below in mW:
A milliwatt (mW) is a unit of power equal to one-thousandth of a watt, used to measure small quantities of electrical power. The term "milliwatt" was first recorded between 1910 and 1915, with the prefix "milli-" originating from the Latin word *mille*, meaning "thousand." In the metric system, this prefix indicates a unit that is one-thousandth of the base unit, as seen in terms like millimeter or milligram. To convert milliwatts to other power units like watts, microwatts, kilowatts, or megawatts, you can use a milliwatt converter for accurate calculations.
A kilowatt (kW) is a unit of power equal to 1,000 watts, commonly used to measure the output of engines, electrical systems, and appliances. It represents the rate of energy transfer or consumption, where 1 kilowatt is equivalent to 1,000 joules per second. The term "kilowatt" combines "kilo-," a metric prefix meaning one thousand, with "watt," named after the Scottish inventor James Watt. This unit is widely used in fields like engineering, construction, and energy production. For context, a standard home appliance like an electric heater might consume 1 to 2 kilowatts, while a household solar panel system might produce several kilowatts of power. Kilowatts can also be converted to megawatts, watts, or milliwatts for different scales of measurement. For example, 1 megawatt equals 1,000 kilowatts.